Daughter Reassembled-An Adoption Search and Reunion Memoir

I usually write about and share my art on this blog, but today I am happy to share another creative endeavor- I published a book. My first book!

I was adopted at birth in 1958, back in the time when closed adoptions were de rigueur. The records were sealed, never to be cracked opened. It was a promise to both parties so everyone could go on with life harboring nary a worry the birth parent or adopted child would come looking for each other.

Fast forward fifty-eight years and the advent of DNA testing. At first, I was just going to find out my ethnicity. I was curious where my people came from, although being fair-skinned with light-brown hair and somewhat freckled, I wasn’t going out on a branch by guessing northern Europe or the British Isles. I took a DNA test and discovered a plethora of DNA cousins. One thing led to another, and soon I was on the trail, ferreting out any information that would lead me to my biological family.

I eventually found and met them, and now have a good relationship with them. My family has grown in so many ways and the journey was amazing. My book is available on Amazon.com.

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Filed under watercolor art

One response to “Daughter Reassembled-An Adoption Search and Reunion Memoir

  1. Sandra

    I ❤️ the the picture of you on the cover of your book!

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